Spirit Spot

Reconnecting you to your inner light

Ian is a powerful light-worker, shaman, healer and wizard. Able to go deep into the soul and light body, Ian can help with all kinds of energetic disorders that lead to dysfunction in one's life, physically or mentally. From the profoundly spiritual to the purely physical, he can help you reconnect to your soul's divine purpose, and help you restore yourself to good health. Ian's multi-modality healing sessions can radically shift one's life for the better.

Explore the menu options to learn more about Ian’s work and how he might be able to help you reconnect to your inner light.

Ian's Tools (still under construction)

It was during my first session with the energy surgeon and clairvoyant medium, Margo Bereska, that she told me that I would end up with a number of the tools of the shaman, in a medicine bag, as I moved towards practicing as a healer. I didn't think much of it at the time, since it all seemed so remote. However, in no short order, I was soon wielding all sorts of tools to support my work as a healer! I am putting this information on here in full disclosure, so that people understand what might be involved in a healing session if they come in person, or what is still involved when I perform a distance healing. I am also putting this up here as a way of informing you generally about what is employed during a healing, and why.

Violet flame









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