Spirit Spot

Reconnecting you to your inner light

Ian is a powerful light-worker, shaman, healer and wizard. Able to go deep into the soul and light body, Ian can help with all kinds of energetic disorders that lead to dysfunction in one's life, physically or mentally. From the profoundly spiritual to the purely physical, he can help you reconnect to your soul's divine purpose, and help you restore yourself to good health. Ian's multi-modality healing sessions can radically shift one's life for the better.

Explore the menu options to learn more about Ian’s work and how he might be able to help you reconnect to your inner light.

Healing Depression

Causes for depression are complex and seem almost infinite. I know from my own journey in health that gluten gives me a massive brain fog, and it leaves me in a depressive yet functional state. Life is quite joyous now that I have altered my diet. So, for some, there are dietary considerations that can help with such symptoms. But that's just one part of a very big picture, depending on the individual.

As a healer, I have very little need to sit you down in a chair and analyze your situation and hear the full depth of your stories – just a little bit of information is all I ask for. But you don't even have to offer up anything at all if you don't want - I am happy to go in blind, so to speak. Depression can result from a spiritual and/or energetic origin. Probably half my clients come for a session because they feel lost, broken, exhausted, unsure, or any number of a wealth of emotions that might fall under the umbrella of depression. 

I am not here to give a specific diagnosis (I’m not that kind of doctor!) and reason with you that maybe you’re depressed because a certain event happened when you were three, or because you had too much dairy when you shouldn’t have because you’re lactose intolerant. I am here to analyze the light body, to clean and clear your chakras, and repair damage buried deep within them, and re-ignite the energetics of your other self - the light body. Getting the energetics flowing through the light body can be just the ticket for people who feel stuck. All manner of injuries to the chakras can create sufficient blocks that impede your well-being. If I can get the energy flowing through you again, you may have all the skills within you to overcome depression without resorting to the array of antidepressant pharmaceuticals offered by our drug-hungry society. Or better yet, you may become empowered and happy enough to stop medications you are already on (I do not advise on medications at all, because again, I am not that kind of doctor).

It is often the case that people are depressed because of an illness, as a side effect. This also works the other way round, with depression giving rise to certain physical symptoms. It doesn't matter which came first from my perspective, because the advantage of healing the light body is that both chicken and egg get covered; not only can you heal from the disease, but your joy centre can return to normal too - hopefully! 

There is no difference between a session for healing illness or depression. The same therapeutic approaches apply, since my goals with you are the same: they are to create an energetically aligned and clean light body allowing your life force to become strong.

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